Compile Time Validation Of Composite Object Data Binding Expressions

07 Nov 2009

Introduction Prompted by a recent comment on the T4 Metadata Generation template article, which I released some weeks ago, I have implemented a new mechanism for concatenating property paths. This allows compile time validation of properties that exist on composite or nested members. Background Previously I have demonstrated how generated metadata can be used to provide compile-time validation of binding expressions. Rather than using string literals in binding expressions, one is able to use the...

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Calcium Website Launch

05 Nov 2009

I’ve just launched a new website for the Calcium project. It includes a video on how to use the new version of the Calcium SDK, which I’ve also just released. I’m pretty excited about this one. The new version includes an installer that makes working with Calcium much easier, and a bunch of API refinements.

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Calling Web Services From Silverlight As The Browser Is Closed

19 Oct 2009

Introduction Today I was reading an excellent post by my fellow Disciple Laurent Bugnion, which led on to a short discussion about performing actions after a user attempts to close a browser window. It got me thinking about the capability to dispatch a web service call in Silverlight just after a user attempts to close the browser window or navigate elsewhere. I have been asked the question before, yet before now, have not attempted to...

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App.config Type String Verification With Msbuild

19 Oct 2009

Nicolas Dorier and I have posted a new article on verifying type string names in app.config files using MSBuild. The App.Config Type verifier is a custom MSBuild task. It examines your app.config file at compile time and verifies that string type names are resolvable. To demonstrate, let’s take a look at a simple example. The following is an excerpt from an app.config file. <configuration> <configSections> <section name="name1" type="Foo.BahType, Foo"/> </configSections> </configuration> Here we have a...

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XAML Resources Without String Literals.aspx

03 Oct 2009

Introduction Since my initial experimentation with generating project metadata data using T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit), there have been several obvious opportunities to expand its scope. One such opportunity has been to use T4 to generate static properties representing XAML keys. This serves to reduce the reliance on string literals when referencing resources. I have subsequently augmented my MetadataGeneration.tt template to do just that. x:Key Property Generation To demonstrate, I have updated the sample application...

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