Using Resw Files With Uwp Compiled Bindings

30 Sep 2015

Introduction With UWP and WinRT, Microsoft introduced a new means for localizability, which differs significantly from the method employed in Silverlight and .NET desktop apps. The new model allows you to localize all aspects of your UI, including element dimensions, using x:Uid element identifiers. The downside is that you don’t get the nice static typing that used to come for free with resx code generation. In this article you see how to generate classes from...

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Automaticly Incrementing The Package.appxmanifest Version Number

28 Aug 2015

When submitting a UWP or WinRT app to the Windows Store, you must increase the Version number of the package or the submission will fail. It can be a chore to manually update the version number. One solution is to use a pre-build event action that executes a Powershell script that increments the version number automatically. In this post you see how a Powershell script reads the Package.appmanifest file for your project, replaces the Version...

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Uwp Accessviolationexception When Navigating To A Page In Another Assembly

15 Aug 2015

When you’re building apps for multiple platforms or deployment scenarios, it is important to manage your app’s configuration in a way that reduces friction and allows you to plainly separate app configurations for each scenario. Having your app’s package manifest file lumped in with your code can lead to silly errors or require a laborious set of steps whenever you perform an app update. For these reasons I like to separate the entry point of...

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Register To Attend The Microsoft Mvp Virtual Conference

17 Apr 2015

Hi All, I wanted to let you know about a great free event that Microsoft and the MVPs are putting on, May 14th & 15th. Join Microsoft MVPs from the Americas’ region as they share their knowledge and real-world expertise during a free event, the MVP Virtual Conference. The MVP Virtual Conference will showcase 95 sessions of content for IT Pros, Developers and Consumer experts designed to help you navigate life in a mobile-first, cloud-first...

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A Better Way To Share Image Assets In Xamarin Forms

13 Nov 2014

I’ve just published the fifth installment of my Calcium for Xamarin.Forms series. In this article you see how to share and consume image files between projects in a unified manner. You see how to employ a T4 template to copy image files from a shared project into iOS and Android resources directories; to add them to your iOS and Android projects; and to set the Build Action of the images. Finally, you see how a...

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