
31 May 2009

For the past few weeks I have been working on a new project that I have called Calcium. Today, I did a simultaneous release of the source on CodePlex and published the first of a series of three or four articles describing its inner workings. I really like this project, and I highly recommend downloading the source code and taking it for a spin. Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a...

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Clog 1.8 Released

10 Apr 2009

I am pleased to announce a new release of the Clog Client Logging framework. There are several new features and enhancements. New SkipFrameCount configuration attribute for allowing Clog to be wrapped by a custom adapter. Log point short-circuiting, providing the ability to determine if a log level is enabled in order to improve performance by avoiding unnecessary string concantenation etc. Formatting overloads. Improved concurrency of log strategies. Fail safety improved. Default WCF configuration for Silverlight...

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22 Mar 2009

I have just published my latest article entitled Perceptor. Perceptor is an artificially intelligent guided navigation system for WPF. Perceptor tracks a user’s behaviour while he or she interacts with the user interface. Changes to the DataContext of a host control indicate user navigation behaviour, and induce the training of a neural network. Knowledge acquired by the neural network is used to predict the IInputElements to which a user may intend to navigate. This accelerates...

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Clog 1.7 Released

21 Dec 2008

Christmas 2008 Release I am pleased to announce an exciting new release of the Clog Client Logging framework. There are lots of changes including multiple log strategy support. Changes in this release include: New config file format for easier log strategy and filter definitions. Multiple log strategy support. Log entries are dispatched to each log strategy. This allows support for multiple logging providers. For example, use Log4Net and Enterprise Library logging at the same time....

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Synchronous Web Service Calls With Silverlight 2

17 Nov 2008

Dispelling the async-only myth. In this article we look at the asynchronous web service model in Silverlight 2, and how it can be augmented to allow synchronous web service calls. We also explore efficient channel caching, and asynchronous Silverlight Unit Tests.

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